This car has already been sold.
- Year 2005
- Four-wheel drive 4*4
- Operating time (motor-hours) 9332
- Perkins engine
- Transmission – torque converter
- Lift height (m) 9
- Load capacity (kg) 4000
- boom outlets
- horizontal alignment of the body
- trailer hitch
- trailer mirror
- flashing beacon
- pitchfork
The rest of the attachments can be purchased from us at an additional cost.
* Option 1. Price netto in Germany 19.000 euro – by transfer to the German company (preliminary photo-video review included);
* Option 2. Price netto with delivery to you from Germany to the customs terminal in Moldova/Ukraine 20.500 euros – by transfer to the German company;
* Option 3. Price brutto 25.150 euro including VAT 20% ((4 191,67 euro) – with delivery to Moldova/Ukraine and customs clearance – payment in national currency by transfer to our company at the exchange rate on the day of payment.
* this offer is for informational purposes only, no obligation;
* full photo-video review, inspection – by prior order.